5 reasons why I do fitness, and they work for you too

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Everyone knows that exercise is essential for healthy aging. We cannot prevent ourselves from getting older, but we can prevent how we grow old, and that includes not only healthy eating but also exercise. I have done many different sports in my life, but for me fitness together with strength training and play has been at the top for a number of years. I particularly like the freedom to exercise when I want, and when it suits me. I don’t want to be dependent on others, other than my personal trainer once a week. I have written a top five for you below, which is the most important reason for me to exercise. Here they come:

  1. I want to keep looking good. Keeping my body tighter and controlling my weight are important to me. Dieting alone does not help to get this done. It is known that your muscle mass decreases when you get older and with strength training you (partly) stop that. It is also true that muscles use more calories than fat, so that makes it a great combination to keep on weight. You actually hit two birds with one stone. Fitness also improves your posture, you stand upright, and that together is very good for your self-confidence and a young appearance.
  2. By working out (or any other sport and good exercise) you produce more serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, so that you experience less stress and feel happy and satisfied. You just have less chance for a nasty depression by exercising. Certainly in the winter, I myself find that I have to make more effort to stay cheerful and then exercise helps all the more. It also seems that fitness increases you memory and makes you smarter. That is something I really want to believe in. For me, the ultimate relaxation is when I have done a good workout and forgot everything around me during that workout. ?
  3. Because fitness makes you stronger and more supple, it makes your life a lot easier. It makes me happy if I physically can do the same as I could about 20 years ago in terms of exercise. And for your environment it is also nice if you are just fit and you have a lot of energy. Personally I think it is part of taking good care of yourself, making sure you feel fit.
  4. Strength training ensures that your bones stay strong (very important with aging) and it naturally also strengthens your muscles. The chance of arthritis decreases considerably as a result. Exercise also increases your immunity and you are therefore more resistant to all kinds of diseases.
  5. And of course the most important thing when you do sport is that you enjoy doing it. I certainly have that with fitness. It makes me feel fresher, younger and happier. I like to set goals and to get stronger. If I have been able to deadlift a few more pounds, it just gives me a great feeling.

I have to admit, sometimes I really have to motivate myself to go out the door, so I literally have to cross that threshold, but once I’m at the club and busy with exercise, I can truly feel very happy, joyfull, and relaxed. I also think for you reading this and maybe not sporting, that it is never too late to start. You are not too old to start exercising. It can only bring you a lot of benefits. So hop hop, go outside and exercise. You can do this!

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